Quilt History
Today's Quilt Historians
Underground Railroad
Women at Work
New Pathways into Quilt History written by Kimberly Wulfert, www.antiquequiltdating.com
Book Suggestions on:
Women's Social History Through Their Needlework
Samplers listed in Miscellaneous Textiles and Fibers
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most typically for book purchases. I appreciate your support.

Wisconsin Quilts: History in the Stitches (Paperback)
by Ellen Kort

Mary Black's Family Quilts: Memory and Meaning in Everyday Life Laurel Horton |

The Quilt That Walked To Golden 19th - 20thC Sandra Dallas |

Passing On The Comfort The War, the Quilts, and the Women Who made a Difference An Keuning-Tichelaar and Lynn Kaplanian-Buller; Pub: Good Books, 2005 |

Hearts And Hands: Women, Quilts, and the American Society
19th C Elaine Hedges, Pat Ferrero, Julie Silber |

The Freedom Quilting Bee Nancy Callahan, 20th C |

Threading The Generations: A Mississippi Family's Quilt Legacy Johnson, Vickers, Hollingsworth |
American Quiltmaking: 1970-2000 by Eleanor Levie Publisher: American Quilter's Society; (April 1, 2004) ISBN: See my book review, too.
Remember Me: Women & Their Friendship Quilts
(19th C) by Linda Otto Lipsett
For Purpose And Pleasure : Quilting Together in Nineteenth-Century America (19th C) Sandi Fox
What Clothes Reveal: The Language of Clothing in Colonial and Federal America by Linda Baumgarten
Fabric of Society: A century of People and their Clothes, 1770 - 1870: Essays Jane Tozer and Sarah Levitt
Silk Quilts : From the Silk Road to the Quilter's Studio (spans the centuries to present, incl. patterns) by Hanne Vibeke de Koning-Stapel
The Quilters: Women and Domestic Art : An Oral History
(late 19th - 20th C) by Patricia J. Cooper, Norma Bradley Allen
Lavish Legacies: Baltimore Album and Related Quilts in the Collection of the Maryland Historical Society (19th C) by Jennifer F. Goldsborough
Artists in Aprons: Folk Art by American Women
(prior to 20th C) by C. Kurt Dewhurst, Betty MacDowell, Marsha MacDowell
Shared Threads: Quilting Together-Past and Present
(19th - 20th C) Jacqueline Marx Atkins
No Time on My Hands
(late 19th - 20th Century) by Grace Snyder
Kentucky Quilts & Their Makers (20th C) Mary Washington Clarke
Plain & Fancy, American Women and their Needlework, 1700 - 1850
Susan Barrows Swan
Homespun and Blue; a Study of American Crewel Embroidery
(18th - 19th C) Martha Genung Stearns
This list was compiled by Kimberly Wulfert, PhD., at www.antiquequiltdating.com. Feel free to copy this list to share with your study group.
* 18th - 20th Century Quilt and Textile History
© 2005 - 2022 Kimberly Wulfert, PhD. Absolutely no copies, reprints, use of photos or text are permitted for commercial or online use. One personal copy for study purposes is permitted.
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