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New Pathways into Quilt History
Discover the Mystery of Antique Quilts & Textiles,
and the Industry & Women Behind Them
The study into quilt history is a rapidly growing area of research in American history: the important role women played in our history; domestic life in the 18th-20 centuries; development of the textile industry in the Asia, India, Europe and America; the purpose for making quilts; their pattern and style development over time; current reproduction fabrics; and last but not least, dating a quilt or a single piece of fabric by its dyes and the method used to print it.
Quilts also reflect social history, such as the westward expansion, pioneering on the Plains, wars, political and religious campaigns, and symbols, working women, interior design through time and more. Signature and raffle quilts tell us about families, community organizations, and churches. Crazy quilts tell us about the maker's interests as well as her hand sewing ability. Embroidered and appliqué kit quilts tell us about women in business in the 20th century and the readers of newspapers that featured the quilt pattern of the week.
Quilts, women, and men, from all walks of life and geographic location can open our eyes and our heart to those who sewed before us. It is a wonderful way to learn about history.
© 2006 - 2023 Kimberly Wulfert, PhD. Absolutely no copies, reprints, use of photos or text are permitted for commercial or online use. One personal copy for study purposes is permitted.
Please contact me with feedback or if you find any errors or outdated links: aqdinfo@antiquequiltdating.com
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